Wednesday, November 15, 2006

From rough scribble to clear ink.

A new placemat for restaurant Witloof. Winter is coming.
The idea was building a snowman.
I put the characters to work in some quick scribbles.

When the snowman was finished they wanted to take a picture. Proud as they were.

But they were not to happy with it. Let's build a bigger snowman.

And do some cleaning on this sketch.
With pencil.

And with inkt.
Have a nice meal.

Click the image to enlarge.


Laura said...

Wow, very nice illo! Love the start-to-finish steps!!

Tony LaRocca said...

Hee Hee, very creative way of building a sketch!

Natura said...

So great idea and work!

JO said...

Thanks. I love when people share their awesome work.

Michelle Lana said...

very coool! great work!

Mike said...

Cool pictures, I like to see how people come to the finished product. Nice job.

juliemc said...

Wow; I love seeing the progression!

Terry Border said...

very nice work. and it looks like it's a clear day in the illo.

Jeannetto said...

Great work! Very clever idea!